Low Garth Flock
Pedigree Registered Texels. Texel Society Flock Code: DEH Sleights, Whitby, UK
I have 2 different breeds at my flock Pedigree Texel and Kerry Hill.
I have a great interest studying genetics and the evolution of the breed. The next a few years I hope to continue expanding my breeding flock, focusing on quality and selective bloodlines. I start laming on the January and finish at the end of March.
My ultimate goal is to one day complete at the Royal Welsh Show.
Never imagined in 2018 I’d have a Kerry Hill Society Champion! The exhaustion definitely paid off. Showing Season is now officially over & breeding season starts..
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Breeder Info

- [email protected]
- Sleights, North Yorkshire - GB
- Texel Kerry Hill
Forage cropsMore
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