Latxa Sheep
The Latxa breed (also known as Manech in France) is a dairy sheep breed, native from the Basque Country of Spain. Latxa sheep are also known as Blondofaced Lacco in the Spanish Pyrennes....

Shetland Sheep
Shetland sheep best known from the far Northern Islands of Scotland and was carried back and forth by Scandinavian peoples, being readily bred in Norway, Sweden and Denmark....

Exmoor Horn Sheep
Exmoor Horn is a docile sheep and easy to handle. Sometimes known as the Porlock, Exmoor Horns have been on Exmoor since time immemorial and have always been valued for their hardiness, ability to thrive and fleece and meat quality. ...

White Face Dartmoor Sheep
The White Face Dartmoor is sometimes known as the Widecombe after the village of that name. Ewes have a strong mothering instinct and a naturally high milking ability. Lambing percentage is up to 150....

Vendéen Sheep
The Vendéen breed has been known in the Vendée region of France. Vendéen is a medium to large, polled breed of sheep with a brown face, and wool on the cheeks and head. Vendéen rams weigh 100 - 140 kg....

Lonk Sheep
The Lonk sheep breed is over two hundred years old and largest hill breeds native to the UK. Lonk sheep are considered to be mountain sheep, but they do well on the lower lands. Lonk ewes are good, prolific mothers....

Dubska Pramenka Sheep
The Dubska Pramenka belongs to the indigenous sheep of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most sheep are shot, while rams are usually horned. The head may be completely black or white with more or less black pigmented sides of the face....

Lamon Sheep
The Lamon also known as Lamonese or Feltrina, an Alpine breed, is one of the few Italian breeds of which there are flocks in migration throughout the year. Today most Lamon are not migratory....

Thônes et Marthod Sheep
The Thônes and Marthod is one of the hardiest of the French breeds, well adapted to the cold winters and rugged terrain of the western Alps....

Herdwick Sheep
Herdwick Sheep, the hardiest sheep breed in Britain, the Herdwick sheep are native to the Lake District. The average weight of Herdwick ewes at maturity is 35 - 45 kg and Herdwick rams weigh 65 - 75 kg....
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