Trusk Flock
Trusk Flock run along side Valais Blacknose and our pure breeds Charollais and Blue faced Leicester Sheep.
Trusk Valais Blacknose they are great to have a cuddle, fairy tale sheep for children.
We are called Trusk Valais Blacknose owned by Cliodhna Muldoon and Martin McCafferty. We are situated in Ballybofey in Co.Donegal Ireland.
We have been breeding Valais Blacknose Sheep for two years now and the breed is just remarkable.
The Walais black-nosed sheep were bred in the remote Valais valley in Switzerland. It is a mountain sheep that is very hardy. In the home country, the breed is used today for both meat and wool also for companion and exhibition.
The sheep produces between 4 and 5 kilos of wool per year. A wool that is relatively coarse and more suitable for sweaters and socks than underwear. The young animals grow fast and increase by up to 500 grams a day.
We are currently in the process of breeding again so we will have a wide variety of ewe lambs ram lambs and breeding pairs available.
All our stock are full pedigree and grassroots registered.
Bluefaced Leicester Sheep: They were bred to produce top quality cross bred sheep from the native Blackface & Swaledale ewes. Hybrid vigour, produced by crossing Bluefaced Leicester sheep with hill breeds, results in Mule lambs which are active at birth and able to withstand quite harsh weather conditions from an early age.
The lambs are well covered with wool. The wool quality is passed onto the cross bred progeny. Blue-faced Leicester wool is great to create a yarn both strong and soft, that drapes beautifully once knitted.
Charollais Sheep:
Charollais is a breed of domestic sheep originating in France. The Charollais has largely developed outside its cradle of breed thanks to the combination of its maternal and beef qualities. The ewes are quite prolific and have good dairy qualities, so they can raise their lambs without any problem, even in double births.
The rapid growth of Charollais allows breeders to produce heavy lambs, with carcasses that do not have excess fat. Charollais rams are regularly used for industrial crossing, both nationally and globally.
The Charollais sheep is an outdoor or semi-outdoor breed. It is exploited either in pure breed where its maternal qualities, of prolificacy or of milk value are very sought after, or in crossing on many beef or dairy breeds.
Contact details are: [email protected] +353858223647/ +353862423604
Breeder Info

- +353 86 242 3604
- [email protected]
- Ballybofey, CO.DONEGAL - IE
- Bluefaced Leicester Charollais Valais Blacknose
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