Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep
What is the history of Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep?
Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep also known as The Landrace of Bentheim. This breed is a cross between German and Dutch heath sheep and a marsh sheep been bred in the northern German Emsland area since 1934, especially in the county of Bentheim... Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep are medium-sized, primarily used for landscape preservation.
What are the characteristics of Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep?
Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep are mainly white and have black around their ears, eyes, and legs. Slender body, long head and Roman nose. Ears are small and the tail is long and woolly, both rams and ewes are polled.Average body height of the mature ewes is around 65 cm at the withers, and the Landschaf Sheep rams are slightly larger than the ewes.
Landschaf Sheep raised mainly for vegetation management or landscape preservation.
Fleece production is around 3 kg, fiber diameter of 34-40 microns.
Bentheimer Landschaf ewes lamb easily, and are very good mothers. The greater slaughter weight of Bentheimer Landschaf lambs has a positive effect on the efficiency of sheep farming.
What is the weight of mature Bentheimer Landschaf Sheep?

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