California Red Sheep
What is the history of California Red Sheep?
California Red Sheep's history dates back to the early 1970s by Dr. It started when Glenn Spurlock embarked on a House Project aimed at crossing Tunisian and Barbados sheep.Initially, Dr. Spurlock's goal was to create a larger-framed, woolless breed of sheep. Efforts to achieve the wool-free trait were unsuccessful, but the remarkable hybrid sheep caught the attention of Aime & Paulette Soulier of California Winters.
Through extensive efforts and selective breeding, Souliers slowly increased the size of their herds and were interested in other sheep breeders, including Alice Gardner, Dixon, CA. Over the years, combined breeding efforts have helped expand the scope of the program so there are more than fifty growers across the US today.
To date, more than 2,200 Red California Red Sheep Register has been registered since its inception.
What are the characteristics of California Red Sheep?
- California Reds are elegant and eye-catching in appearance.
- Especially rams can be quite striking in red-haired manes, unlike their beige or oatmeal colored wool.
- The legs and head do not contain wool and are instead covered in hairs ranging from gold to dark cinnamon.
- Both sheep and rams have a bold, powerful expression accentuated by finely carved muzzle.
- Their long and slightly drooping ears give them a deer-like appearance when they are careful and careful.
- Medium-sized sheep are considered alert and athletic, both rams and sheep are known for their good temperaments.
- Both sexes are polled.
- Sheep are very patient but possessive mothers and instinctively care about their offspring's needs.
- California Red Ewes bond well with their lambs and can quite defend them when needed.
- While years can often give birth to single lambs, twins are not uncommon.
- As the ewes mature and with successive lambing, the twins are usually born with plenty of milk to feed the lambs.
- California Red Lambs are born solid rust or cinnamon red. As it matures, the color of the hair remaining on the legs and head can range from golden to dark cinnamon.
- As the young animal grows on it, the wool turns into beige or oatmeal, unlike the richly colored wool-free head and limbs. This transformation occurs approximately 12-18 months or earlier due to shear.
- California Reds are usually cut once a year just before lambing. Wool is beige or oatmeal colored with hairs ranging from golden to dark cinnamon red.
- The silky feel of wool combined with the unique visual texture of contrasting bristles is not surprising that hand spinners and weavers are sought after.
- The staple length is usually three to six inches, and in the 50 to 60s the Bradford count is measured by the 30 micron count.
What is the weight of mature California Red Sheep?
California Red rams weighing 100-110 kg and sheep 50-60 kg.

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