Kajli Sheep
What is the history of Kajli Sheep?
Kajli is a breed of sheep, native to Pakistan. It is mainly bred in Sargodha and other cities such as Gujranwala, Lahore, Faisalabad, apart from being found in some parts of India.
Kajli sheep is a famous breed in the Sargodha district because of its beauty and weight gain capacity. This breed is also well known for its juicy mutton quality and males are especially reared for sale as sacrificial animals.
What are the characteristics of Kajli Sheep?
- The breed is bred primarily for its wool, meat and milk.
- This breed can grow significantly large and bulky at a young age.
- Large leggy animals with a high set muscular body having white wooly coat on body, neck and legs, however muffle and lower one third of the ears are often black.
- Typical black circle around their eyes from which the breed's name derives are their distinguishing features.
- Kajili sheep have typical Roman nose, broad chest, long and pendulous ears, big head and short thin tail.
- Kajli sheep is a famous breed in the Sargodha district because of its beauty and weight gain capacity.
- Kajli breed is also well known for its juicy mutton quality and males are especially reared for sale as sacrificial animals.
- The Kajli males are sold for breeding purpose to interested farmers.
- Breeding is practiced twice a year February - April, and September - November.
- They are a large size with a white body coat with a black circle around the eyes and a black tip extending to the lower one third of the ears.
- The wool yield is 3 kg (medium; fiber diameter 37.6 µm).
- Milk production is 1 liter on average.
- Regarding average body measurements height is 65 cm, length 62 cm, chest girth 82 cm.
Parameter | Male lambs (average) | Female lambs (average) |
Birth weight | 4.9 Kg | 4.3 Kg |
Weaning weight | 26.4 Kg | 20.3 Kg |
Pre-weaning daily gain | 173.4 gm | 133.4 gm |
What is the weight of mature Kajli Sheep?
Kajli mature ram is in the range of 70 - 80 kg and a mature ewe 45 - 50 kg.

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