Alai Sheep
What is the history of Alai Sheep?
What are the characteristics of Alai Sheep?
Wool weight of ewes is 2.5-3.0 kg and that of rams is 4.5-5.5 kg.
The clean fleece yield is 65-70%.
Lambs are weaned at 4 to 5 months. They weigh around weaning time about 28 to 32 kg.
The carcass weight of 5 or 6-month-old lambs is 15 kg. The ratio of meat to bone is high around 6:0.
The fleece is heterogeneous, white, glistening and hanging in pointed locks.
Genuine fleece represents 56.7% of the downy, middle of the road fleece for 13.7% and protects hairs for 29.6% Kemp is uncommon.
The Rams height at the withers is 82 cm and Ewes are around 75 cm.
The normal staple length is 17-30 cm and the normal fleece fiber length is 8-12 cm.
The Alai breed has one curious element: most sheep don’t shed as other fat-rumped sheep do.
What is the weight of mature Alai Sheep?
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