Brahma Chickens
The Brahma chicken breed is a huge and impressive bird, with males weighing about 4.5-5.5 kg.It is often referred to as the gentle giant of the poultry world, and its placid good natüre and easy-going ways win many a convert to the World of poultry keepin...

Brahmousin Cattle
The Brahmousin was created in the late 1970's by Daryl Wiggins in Texas. The first of the breed were produced from a multiple embryo transfer from a French-imported Limousin dam called Gloria...

Fighting Cattle
Fighting cattle is selected primarily for aggressiveness, strength and vigor. They are bred primarily in Spain, Portugal and those Latin American countries were bull fighting is organized....

Danish Red Cattle
Danish Red cattle, also known as Red Danish or Red Dane, are a major dairy cattle breed in northern Europe. The Danish Red cattle is of the Baltic Red type and originates from the islands off the coast of Denmark....

Galloway Cattle
Galloway, which has given its name to this breed of black or dun polled cattle, was an ancient regality or lordship lying in the south-west of Scotland....

Dutch Friesian Cattle
Dutch Friesian Cattles (also known as Holstein Friesian in US) are a breed of dairy cattle originating from the Dutch provinces of North Holland and Friesland, and Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany. ...

Canadian Highland Cattle
Highland Cattle originated in the Highlands and west coastal islands of Scotland, areas severe in climate and lashed by the North Atlantic gales....

Finn Cattle
The Finn cattle (or Finnish cattle) refers to three closely related cattle breeds of Finnish origin. They are most often used as a dairy animal for milk production. ...

Estonian Red Cattle
Estonian Red cattle (Estonian: Eesti punane veis) are a dairy cattle breed from Estonia. The color is red, but sometimes it varies from red-white to brown and rarely black....

Blonde d'Aquitaine Cattle
Blonde d'Aquitaine originates from the the Aquitaine district in south west of France embracing the area of the Garonne valley and the Pyrenees. ...

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